Why Cats Are The Best

Cats and dogs; a debate as old as time. Everyone has their own beliefs about it, and I'm here to show the cat side of the argument.

Sure, dogs are great and all, but...

Cats are superior. Why? Well...

Cats heal you mentally and physically.

When you pet or cuddle your cat, the level of stress hormones in your body can be reduced, and they are far calmer than dogs. Also, fun fact: A cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hz which is known to be medically therapeutic for illnesses in humans. A cat's purr can not only lower stress it can also help labored breathing, lower blood pressure, help heal infections, and even heal bones.

Cats make better noises like purr and meow!

Not only are cats less stressful in general, but they also make better and cuter noises, such as purr and meow. Sometimes, dog noises can be grating...the worst being excessive and loud barking, their growling, etc. Even the aggressive noises of cats like hissing are more bearable. Plus, cats have even more variety voice-wise than dogs, being able to make over 100 kinds of noises!

They need little to no potty training because of their natural instincts.